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What are the best private prison stocks?

The GEO Group is a real estate investment company. But, it invests in prisons and mental health properties all over the world. That’s what puts this company on the list of private prison stocks. This prison stock has a commitment to getting their patients and inmates healthy and clean. Then, releasing them safely back out into the world.

What are prison stocks?

Prison stocks are shares from companies that own, manage, or offer services to private prisons and detention facilities. Prison stocks can also include companies that offer other services to prisons, like telecommunications and transport. Prison companies are contracted by governments.

Are prison stocks a good investment?

A prison is a place where nobody should want to go to, but people can still invest in prisons from afar. There are various prison stocks available in the market, and many investors don’t even know about them. What are the best prison stocks to invest in? Usually, prison stocks on the market are from public companies that own private prisons.

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